About Us

We would like to introduce ZOYEBAGS as a consortium of factories producing 1:1 qualitative replica products (same as original) over a decade and have been serving you for a long period of time.

Zoyebags.ru were our resellers and due to their unethical code of conduct we have replaced them from our supply chain. ZOYEBAGS has taken direct charge of the operations and has no further connection with Zoyebags.ru or any other website whatsoever.

The qualitative products that our esteemed customers used to get were from our factories. Due to increase in customer complaints regarding poor quality (poor quality products were not from our factory as we only produce the best quality branded replica products which are 1:1) we have removed Zoyebags.ru from our consortium and are not responsible for their acts up till now and in future as well.

ZOYEBAGS has taken direct charge of the operations and thus offering our customers best quality replicas at wholesale prices 35% UPTO 60% along with free shipping* around the globe.

For those customers who have suffered some issues and not received the goods for which Zoyebags.ru have charged them. Though they were a separate business and we don’t have any obligation to resolve the issues which they have caused in the past. However, for our loyal clientele we have decided to issue $100 store credit on purchases equal or above USD 500 and free shipping around the globle.


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